Medical Sciences Library

About MSL | Bryan

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This location has TAMU Health managed 24/7 swipe access.

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exterior pic of MSL | Bryan Campus


With the exception of MSL | College Station, MSL physical locations are not accessible by community users. Access to the libraries are limited to TAMU Health faculty, staff, and students affiliated with that location through swipe access requiring a TAMU Health ID badge. 

MSL | Bryan opened shortly after TAMU Health completed construction on the Health Professional Building and classes began in the fall of 2010. The library was staffed by a librarian and professional staff member and provided access to a small circulating collection. 

The library space has changed over the years. Librarians and staff members have advocated for improvement to support the student use of the library space for study. Improvements include the restriction of the library space as an event location, reducing the amount of soft furniture in favor of tables to facilitate studying, addition of solar film on the windows to protect the physical collection as well as reduce heat in the space, and the recent removal of the unused mailboxes and other extraneous items to improve the flow. 

The library is located on the first floor of the Health Professionals Education Building (HPEB) and serves the medicine and nursing faculty, staff, and students at the Bryan Campus. The library space is available through swipe access 24/7 with a TAMU Health ID badge.