Medical Sciences Library

Spaces - College Station

Spaces and Equipment


Reservable Study Rooms

  • MSL | College Station has eight reservable group study rooms and 29 reservable individual study rooms.
  • Group study rooms have OAL computers.
  • All study rooms have white boards (markers and erasers available at the AskUs desk during staffed hours).

Reserve a Study Room

Open Study Space

  • The first floor has collaborative study spaces and open seating.
  • Seating is also available in the Education Center as long as a class is not scheduled.
  • The second floor has open seating, quiet study space with tables, study carrels, and soft seating.

Graduate and Professional Students (GPS) Study Space

  • 24/7 swipe access except on home game days and over the winter holiday
  • Limited to graduate students in TAMU Health, Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Health & Kinesiology, Athletic Training and biomedical interdisciplinary programs.
  • Open seating area with OAL computers
  • A variety of seating options include standard and bar height, task chairs and soft seating.
  • Study rooms are first come first serve.
  • All study rooms have white boards (markers and erasers available at the AskUs desk during staffed hours)
  • Group rooms have OAL computers


Comfortable soft seating for relaxing, meeting, or study

Food Court

A variety of seating including standard and bar height, vending machines, microwaves and a sink



  • OAL Windows computers are located on the first floor, in the Education Center (open use when a class is not in session), and in the GPS open seating area.
  • OAL Windows computers are also available in second floor and GPS group study rooms.
  • Eleven Chromebooks are available at the AskUs desk for checkout for up to 14 days.


  • Printers require a Texas A&M OAL print allocation.
  • The first floor printer is on the left side elevated floor that can print color or black and white.
  • The Education Center has a black and white printer on the left side of the room behind the seating.
  • GPS has a color printer on the right just past the entry to the space.


  • Scanners can email to a Texas A&M email address (TAMU login required) or images can be saved to a USB drive.
  • There are two scanners in front of the elevated seating area. One on the left side (overhead / book eye) and one on the right side (flatbed scanner).
  • There is one scanner located on the north west side of the second floor in room 215.


MSL-College Station
MSL-College Station
MSL-College Station
MSL-College Station
MSL-College Station
MSL-College Station
MSL-College Station
MSL-College Station
MSL-College Station
MSL-College Station
MSL-College Station
MSL-College Station