Cushing Memorial Library & Archives

Records Management

Records Management General Overview

Texas A&M University, as part of a state agency, is required to have an active and on-going records management program. Records management is "that field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use, and disposition of records, including processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about the business activities and transactions in the form of records" (ISO 15489).

As a state agency, The Texas A&M University System is required to submit a records retention schedule to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for certification, and to establish policies and procedures for the management of state records created, received, retained, used, and transmitted for both paper and electronic records.

The term "Records Management" includes:

  • Development of records retention schedules
  • Management of filing and information retrieval systems in any format
  • Ensuring adequate protection of records in any format that are vital, archival or confidential according to accepted archival and records management practices
  • Economical and space-effective storage of active and inactive records
  • Maintenance of public information records in any format in a manner to facilitate access by the public as required by Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code

Contact Us

University Records Management
Phone: 979-458-1470 
Fax: 979-458-1472

Mailing Address:
Purchasing and Stores Building 
330 Agronomy Road, Suite 160
MS 5000
College Station, TX 77840

Physical Address

Mailing Address:
Cushing Memorial Library & Archives
TAMU 5000
College Station, TX 77843-5000

Physical Address:
400 Spence St.
Main Campus near the Central Campus Garage
