OAL computers are located on the first floor, in the Education Center (open use when a class is not in session), and in the GPS open seating area.
OAL computers are also available in second floor and GPS group study rooms.
Eleven Chromebooks available at the AskUs desk for checkout for up to 14 days.
All MSL | College Station printers require a Texas A&M OAL print allocation
The first floor printer is on the left side elevated floor that can print color or black and white.
The Education Center has a black and white printer on the left side of the room behind the seating.
GPS has a color printer on the right just past the entry to the space.
MSL | College Station scanners can email to a Texas A&M email address (TAMU login required) or images can be saved to a USB drive.
First floor: There are two scanners in front of the elevated seating area. One on the left side (overhead / book eye) and one on the right side (flatbed scanner)
Second floor: There is one scanner located on the north west side of the second floor in room 215.