Cushing Memorial Library & Archives

Al Lowman Printing Arts Collection and Research Archive

Al Lowman Printing Arts Collection and Research Archive – Collection Development Policy


The Lowman collection may be broadly considered as the fine press collection at Cushing Library. The initial collection was formed by Al Lowman, whose primary interests included fine printing, book design, bibliography, and the history of books and printing, with a particular emphasis on Texas and the American west. To a great extent, these interests continue to drive the collecting in the Lowman collection. However, we have also extended our collecting in the spirit of Mr. Lowman’s collecting. Thus the collection has been broadened to include the work of contemporary luminaries such as Russell Maret, James Murphy / the Salvage Press, the Barbarian Press, and many, many others. Put succinctly, we endeavor to collect the best fine printing available today and to do so as extensively as possible. Integral to this is also continuing Mr. Lowman’s practice of collecting archives and artifacts that document the lives and work of the printers and artisans themselves. Included in the Research Collection are extensive archives related to, for example, Carl Hertzog, or Barbara, David, and William Holman. We continue to seek relevant archival material that expands our understanding of this important work. For example, the Berger-Cloonan Collection of Decorated Papers and the Archive and Production Library of Craig Jensen are both included within the larger intellectual grouping of the Lowman Collection. 

It is worth noting here that the Lowman collection focuses upon the Art of the Book (fine printing, binding, decoration, etc.) and not Book Arts (works of art that adopt / resemble the form of a book). 

Types of Materials 

Fine press books, ephemera, archival materials, decorated papers, miniature books, artifacts, oral histories. 

Existing Collection Strengths 

Carl Hertzog; Book Club of California; Allen Press; Book Club of Texas; Lawrence Clark Powell; William D. Wittliff / Encino Press; Ward Richie; William R. Holman; Edwin B. Hill; Bernhardt Wall; 

Printing in Texas; Book design, bibliography, and 20c fine press printing in general. 

Current Collecting Foci 

20c fine press printing; book history; bibliography; book design.

Institutional Repository / Digitization Projects 

Hertzog oral histories; Berger-Cloonan. 

Connections with Other Cushing Collections 

Lit/Mitchell; Laughlin; Texas; Dykes; Kelsey Illustrators; Kelsey Americana; Rare.


Curator: Kevin M. O’Sullivan 

Created 7/24/2020 

Physical Address

Mailing Address:
Cushing Memorial Library & Archives
TAMU 5000
College Station, TX 77843-5000

Physical Address:
400 Spence St.
Main Campus near the Central Campus Garage
