The military heritage of Texas A&M is very old, and very strong having started as the all-male, all-military, Agricultural & Mechanical College of Texas in 1876. Its current incarnation lies within the Corps of Cadets, many of whom go on to become commissioned officers in the United States armed forces, a practice ongoing since the Spanish American War.
The Military Collection focuses upon two areas: 1) the American military in the conflicts in which it participated including role, activities, strategy, tactics, analysis, and realia and 2) the development & evolution of military weapons, technology, and techniques, especially foundation texts.
The Military Collection consists mainly of books, both printed and manuscript. The collection also includes numerous diaries, journals, and letters from members of the armed forces, serial publications, atlases and maps, photographs, slides, uniforms, realia, and prints and illustrations. Emphasis is placed on acquiring items in their original states, both of a historical and contemporary nature. Facsimiles are purchased, but sparingly. Material is collected in all languages and in multiple translations of the same title. Scholarly, trade, and popular titles are collected, as are government documents/publications.
Collecting effort has been directed toward the Spanish American War (the first major conflict in which Aggies would have been involved). Both theaters of the Second World are well represented. Significant en-bloc purchases were made in the area of the First World War, including posters and manuscripts. Special emphasis was given to unit
histories from both World Wars, resulting in a notable reputation for these. However, there are materials that reach back to the late Colonial era.
The military collection is also home to many important photographic archives covering a range of subjects— the Spanish American War, the Mexican Revolution, First and Second World Wars, and other topics. In the early 1990s, Michael Kelly, a veteran of the first Gulf War, donated a large collection of artifacts from that conflict.
While there are notable diaries and correspondence from members of the armed forces in the collection, to expand the first hand observations provided by diaries, journals, and letters, Cushing Library has started to acquire these civilian observations in areas of combat/occupation or home front in addition to those in military service.
Materials from the wars, conflicts, interventions, and police actions are sought, especially the War of 1812, The Mexican-American War, Korean War, Vietnam War, and current combat areas in the Middle East.
Wheelan Collection of Mexican Revolution Photographs
World War I Postcards
Within Cushing, military history related materials are also located among the following collections: University Archives, Chapman Texas, Colonial Mexican, Maritime, Literature, Metzger, Dykes, Kelsey Americana, and Rare.
Curator: Anton duPlessis
Created 7/24/2020
Mailing Address:
Cushing Memorial Library & Archives
TAMU 5000
College Station, TX 77843-5000
Physical Address:
400 Spence St.
Main Campus near the Central Campus Garage