Cushing Memorial Library & Archives

Rare Books and Manuscripts Collection

Rare Books and Manuscripts Collection – Collection Development Policy 


The Rare collection is one of the foundational collections held at Cushing. It has its origins in the Rare Book room when Special Collections was housed within the circulating library. Over the years, real strengths have arisen within the collection and its current scope includes printed books and manuscripts related to these areas (see below). In 2012, Cushing Library acquired the Lois G. Morrison Collection of Eighteenth Century English Literature, an extensive collection that continues to be catalogued. 

Types of Materials 

Primarily printed books, ephemera, and manuscript material. To a lesser extent, there are also material artifacts. 

Existing Collection Strengths 

English literature and philosophy from the mid-fifteenth century through the nineteenth century, with particular emphasis on the works of John Donne, Christina Rosetti, 18c English intellectuals, and early modern women writers; Spanish-language Comedias Sueltas; the History of

Science and Religion; Travel and Expansion; and the life and work of Miguel de Cervantes; nineteenth-century American literature; Natural History. 

Current Collecting Foci 

Early modern English literature and manuscripts; Literature and Intellectualism of the long eighteenth century; the life and work of Miguel de Cervantes; the fine press movement; history of science and technology. 

Institutional Repository / Digitization Projects 

None known. 

Connections with Other Cushing Collections 

ColMex; Laughlin; Dawson French; Literature; Area Studies; Kelsey Illustrators; Kelsey Americana.


Curator: Kevin M. O’Sullivan 

Created 7/24/2020 


Physical Address

Mailing Address:
Cushing Memorial Library & Archives
TAMU 5000
College Station, TX 77843-5000

Physical Address:
400 Spence St.
Main Campus near the Central Campus Garage
