Making Meaning Sign up

Integrating traditional seminar-based discussion with experiential inquiry, this course will investigate the physical means of knowledge production during the early modern period. Daily lab sessions concentrating on historical book production will include hands-on exercises in allied trades such as typecasting, papermaking, ink-making, typesetting, and hand-press printing, as well as experimentation with contemporary writing materials such as goose quills and iron gall ink. Equipped with these skills, participants will be able not only to read and analyze the texts, but to locate their place in the larger context of early modern written culture.

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Additional Information

Please copy and paste your objectives for participating below (no more than three double-spaced pages). The statement should address how the applicant's current research, pedagogy, academic background, and relevant scholarly interests will contribute to and benefit from the particular program's discussion and discoveries. It should address the specific overlap between the program’s description and what the applicant hopes to gain and to give through participation. Thus a statement which merely describes the applicant’s current research project will not suffice.

Additional Contact information:

Cushing Memorial Library &Archives
ATTN: Kevin O'Sullivan
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-5000
Phone: (979) 845-1951
Fax: (979) 845-1441