Student Learning Outcomes

University Libraries Instructional Mission Statement

The University Libraries Instruction Program supports the educational mission of Texas A&M University and the missions of the University Libraries for discovery and learning through instructional initiatives that develop skills for information discovery, scholarship, and academic excellence. Working collaboratively with faculty, students, and the community, the Libraries’ Instruction Program promotes critical thinking and challenges learners to consider their role as consumers, producers, and creators of information. Learners will be empowered to effectively identify, find, evaluate, create and ethically use information in their academic pursuits, in their future careers, and as life-long learners in an information-rich society.


  • Libraries are concerned with the creation, organization, and dissemination of information in its many forms, types, and formalities of publication. This could include traditional formats such as printed publications, as well as data, media, and informal communication, among others.
  • These program-level learning outcomes are intended to guide the library instruction program. They were developed through a reflective process of considering the University Libraries’ teaching practice, the Texas A&M University student learning outcomes, and professional documents such as the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy. The outcomes are intentionally broad in scope in order to allow flexibility for a wide variety of instructional contexts and audiences.
  • These program-level outcomes are meant to be descriptive and not prescriptive. Individual library instructors and/or units are encouraged to work with the program level outcomes to inform their own practices.

Student Learning Outcomes

After participating in library instruction, students will be able to:

Collection & Organization

Develop effective strategies for collecting, organizing, managing, or preserving information.

Creation in Context

Account for audience, genre, format and norms when creating information.

Critical Evaluation

Critically evaluate information in light of its complexities of authority and production, and its relationship to existing knowledge.

Effective Searching

Formulate effective strategies to find relevant resources, while engaging in reflective and recursive searching practices.

Information Creators

Articulate their individual and collaborative roles as information creators, acknowledging their own motivations, biases, rights, and responsibilities.

Information Ethics

Respect information creation as intellectual labor, through ethical use and attribution.

Information in Context

Identify how the production of and access to information are mediated by social, cultural, political, economic, and disciplinary factors.

Informed Selection

Intentionally select information sources, methods, or tools in order to appropriately meet a need, answer a question, or solve a problem.

Question Development

Develop questions for investigation, taking into account existing knowledge or information gaps.

Resource Awareness

Identify library and information services, facilities, and collections, articulating how they are organized both digitally and physically.