Welcome to the Library Tutorials Page!

The Libraries offer a wide variety of tutorial topics and formats to meet your needs. We have instructional videos, interactive modules, quick tip guides, and teaching resources for instructors. Please visit the topics in the menu above to explore.   

Library Services

The tutorial topics on this page include a library homepage overview and other library services, such as quick searching and Get it For Me.

Tutorials for Specific Locations

Welcome to the Medical Sciences Library

Video transcript of "Welcome to the Medical Sciences Library"


Claiming Your NetID for Library Resources

Video transcript of "Claiming Your NetID for Library Resources"


Get it For Me: Medical Sciences Library

Video transcript of "Get it For Me: Medical Sciences Library"


Introduction to PubMed 

Video transcript of "Introduction to Pubmed"


Interactive Guides

Want to learn the aspects of a health sciences scholarly article? 

health sciences IMRaD preview

Visit the Anatomy of a Health Sciences Article: IMRaD interactive


Welcome to Our New Library Website


Video transcript of "Welcome to Our New Library Website"