Digital Collections

  • 150 Years and Counting: Celebrating 150 Years of the City of Bryan, Texas
    150 Years and Counting: Celebrating 150 Years of the City of Bryan, Texas

    On November 29, 1871 the City of Bryan officially incorporated. Shortly after incorporation, a public school system was established, a bridge was built across the Navasota River to support local commerce, and a money-lending office was opened. In 2021, Cushing Memorial Library & Archives celebrates the 150th anniversary of the City of Bryan's incorporation through materials we've collected through the years. This digital exhibit highlights the architecture and growth of the city, from a rural settlement to a flourishing city and seat of Brazos County.

  • 1940s Brazos County Aerial Photographs
    1940s Brazos County Aerial Photographs

    1940s Brazos County Aerial Photographs are digitized and indexed, using a highway map from 1980. The three sections of the map can open a magnified index of the county.

  • Amazing, Fantastic, Weird: Science Fiction Studies in Texas
    Amazing, Fantastic, Weird: Science Fiction Studies in Texas

    Collection of program and proceedings from the exhibit opening of: One Hundred Years Hence: Science Fiction and Fantasy at Texas A & M.

  • A.M.C. Yell Book Collection
    A.M.C. Yell Book Collection

    The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas Yell Book Online Collection consists of bound Yell Books dating from 1904-1905 through1931-1932. Included in the booklets are yells and songs that reflect the unique experiences of cadets during this period, and the businesses that supported the printing of the booklets.

  • Archive-It: Archived Websites
    Archive-It: Archived Websites

    Collection of archived websites including the Dr. Gwendoline Y. Fortune Papers, various Texas A&M websites, and George R.R. Martin's website.

  • Austin's 1830 Map of Texas
    Austin's 1830 Map of Texas

    This first edition of Stephen F. Austin’s 1830 Map of Texas is often described as “the first meaningful map of Texas” and was the first to accurately depict the rivers in Texas and illustrate many of the early settlements including Brazoria, Gonzales, Harrisburg, Matagorda, Victoria and Waco Village.

    This map was published in eight editions through 1845 and is the first map of Texas printed in the United States. The map was produced as part of a land grant agreement with the Mexican government but it was also intended to be a showcase for new settlers to Texas. Therefore, it was made to be as open and as inviting as possible. 

    This map was acquired through the generosity of several donors including a lead gift by The Texas A&M System Chancellor John Sharp ’72, members of the Board of Regents, and Bonnie and Otway Denny ’71.

  • The Berger-Cloonan Collection of Decorated Papers
    The Berger-Cloonan Collection of Decorated Papers

    The Berger-Cloonan Collection of Decorated Papers contains more than 20,000 items representing five centuries of paper production and decoration from across the globe and is one of the most extensive collections of its kind. Among its many strengths are eighteenth-century Dutch gilt papers, thousands of unique marbled and paste papers, Japanese Chiyogami and Katazome, historic watermarks, and scores of papermakers’ sample books.

    The collection was built by Dr. Sidney E. Berger and Dr. Michèle V. Cloonan in support of their research and teaching interests, and was acquired by Texas A&M University Libraries in 2016. This digital collection contains non-copyrighted papers in the Berger-Cloonan Collection. It is offered here as a starting point for students and researchers who wish to become acquainted with the collection. Digitization of the collection is ongoing, and high-resolution scans of papers will be uploaded as they become available.

  • Bibliography of Science Fiction and Fantasy
    Bibliography of Science Fiction and Fantasy

    The bibliographic control of Science Fiction and Fantasy has a long and storied history, from its beginnings in the 1930s to the online tools of today. The works in this collection range from superb productions that serve as best practice standards to quick-and-dirty listings. Virtually all of the entries add a bit to the coverage of the field. 
    Contact: Jeremy Brett, Cushing Memorial Library & Archives

  • The Cervantes Project
    The Cervantes Project

    The Cervantes Project and Collection, created by Dr. Eduardo Urbina, is an initiative dedicated to the life, works, and legacy of Miguel de Cervantes, the renowned Spanish writer best known for Don Quixote. The project provides a comprehensive online resource for scholars, students, and enthusiasts.

  • Charting Texas
    Charting Texas

    This exhibition features maps and books, documenting several centuries of exploration and political competition for one specific area of North America — Texas. With advancements in geographic knowledge, surveying techniques, and printing technology, one can begin to see Texas taking its now familiar form from the earliest depictions in the 16th Century.

  • Colección Los Palabristas
    Colección Los Palabristas

    Colección Los Palabristas is a collection of 650+ radio interviews with writers and artists from Mexico, South and Central America, and Spain. The interviews were originally broadcast between 1979 and 2002 as episodes of the Buenos Aires-based radio program, Los Palabristas. A collection of original recordings were acquired from Argentinian journalist and host Esteban Peicovich in 2005 by the Department of Hispanic Studies and the University Libraries.

    This digitized collection is restricted to Texas A&M University affiliates and researchers visiting Cushing Memorial Library & Archives. Please contact Cushing regarding access,

  • College of Medicine Class Rosters
    College of Medicine Class Rosters

    The College of Medicine class roster photos connect today to the past and are made available online through a partnership between the College of Medicine and the University Libraries.

  • College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Image Collection
    College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Image Collection

    Over the past 100 years, photographers have documented the history of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. This collection highlights the changing face of the people, technology, and facilities of the college. It spans the history from the earliest undergraduate classes in veterinary science in the 1890s to the cutting edge research of the 21st Century. Thanks to the contributions of generous former students and faculty, and the efforts of various historians and archivists, the images found here, if not complete, are a fair representation of the growth and development of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M.

  • Cushing Exhibition Catalogs
    Cushing Exhibition Catalogs

    Collection of catalogs from Cushing Memorial Library & Archives exhibits.

  • Cushing Historical Images Collection
    Cushing Historical Images Collection

    Cushing Memorial Library & Archives maintains an extensive photographic collection of over 300,000 images. The collection continues to grow. These images are in a wide variety of formats and sizes, including negatives on glass plates, post cards, and various early types of prints. The collection is organized by subject and contains a visual representation of nearly every aspect of Texas A&M University’s long and storied past beginning with the opening of the school in 1876. Categories include such subjects as campus views, individual buildings, athletics, research, teaching, student life, members of the faculty, visiting dignitaries, and important events. Most of the photographs were acquired through donation or from various units of the university.

    The original materials can be viewed at the Cushing Memorial Library & Archives.

  • Electronic Theses and Dissertations
    Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    This collection includes digitized theses and dissertations (1922-2004) and theses and dissertations directly deposited after 2004.

  • The Frederick C. Cuny/INTERTECT Collection
    The Frederick C. Cuny/INTERTECT Collection

    The collection contains the working library, office files, press clippings, slides, photographs and Beta and VHS tapes of Cuny and his team at the disaster relief/response firm, Intertect, and at the non-profit organization he co-founded in 1987, the Intertect Institute. The items currently digitized represent a small section of the collection chosen for their significance by members of the Cuny Center for the Study of Societies in Crisis.

  • Geologic Atlas of the United States
    Geologic Atlas of the United States

    A set of 227 folios published by the U.S. Geological Survey between 1894 and 1945. Each folio includes both topographic and geologic maps for each quad represented in that folio, as well as descriptions of the basic and economic geology of the area. The Geologic Atlas collection is maintained by the Maps unit.
    Contact: Maps, Texas A&M Libraries

  • HathiTrust

    Texas A&M University Libraries regularly contribute items and collections to the HathiTrust

  • Hereld Fanzine Collection
    Hereld Fanzine Collection

    The Sandy Hereld Collection consists of thousands of digitized images of media fanzines, letterzines, and club newsletters, dating from the late 1960s through materials published online or in print in 2013. The collection is an unparalleled assembly of media fanworks that document generations of fans’ continued creative engagement with media productions meaningful to them. Among the productions chronicled particularly well in the Hereld Collection are: Beauty and the Beast (1987-1990), Blake’s 7, Doctor Who, The Professionals, Star Trek, Star Wars, and Starsky & Hutch. But the collection also contains fanzines relating to numerous other productions, such as the Harry Potter book/movie series, Due South, Miami Vice, Simon & Simon, and many others. Also in the collection are many anthologies of stories from multiple fandoms. The original materials can be viewed at the Cushing Memorial Library & Archives.

  • Hernán Contreras & Gerald Griffin Collection of NASA A/V Recordings
    Hernán Contreras & Gerald Griffin Collection of NASA A/V Recordings

    This collection contains digitized video and audio from the Hernán Contreras ’62 Collection of NASA Events Film Reels and the Gerald D. “Gerry” Griffin ’56 Collection of NASA Video and Audio Recordings. Contreras was an In-flight Design Specialist for Lockheed and later worked for United Space Alliance, a spaceflight operations company co-owned by Rockwell International and Lockheed Martin. Griffin served as a Flight Director during the Apollo Missions and later as Director of the Johnson Space Center in Clear Lake, TX. The original audio cassette tapes, VHS tapes, and/or 16 mm films for both the Contreras and Griffin Collections are housed at Cushing Memorial Library & Archives.

  • Historical Maps of Cuba
    Historical Maps of Cuba

    This collection contains digital versions of historical maps of Cuba held by the Texas A&M University Libraries. Subject matter includes soils and population.

  • Images of a Rural Past
    Images of a Rural Past

    This collection of historical photographs was acquired in the early 1970s from the Agricultural Communications Office of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. The physical collection consists of nearly 7,000 photographs and a sampling of these items have been digitized and made accessible online. The vast majority of the images are black and white and range from the 1930s through the late 1970s, although some photographs date from earlier and later periods. The images were captured by photographers working throughout the state and document many activities aimed at improving the lives and livelihood of rural Texans. Farming, home improvement, livestock raising, and other programs of the Extension Service were illustrated and the photographs were retained for educational and publicity initiatives.

    The original materials can be viewed at the Cushing Memorial Library & Archives.

  • Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology
    Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology

    The Texas A&M University Medical Sciences Library has partnered with Oklahoma State University Libraries to digitize the Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology, a multilingual periodical published by the US Government Printing Office. This historical compendium of the parasitological literature is a key resource of importance to researchers in re-emerging diseases and global animal health. The compilation of content began in 1892, and resulted in over 100 separate publications comprising over 20,000 pages.
    Contact: Medical Sciences Library

  • Live To Build A Better World: Despair, Survival, and Hope in Science Fiction's Response to Environmental Change
    Live To Build A Better World: Despair, Survival, and Hope in Science Fiction's Response to Environmental Change

    This digital collection reflects the content of an exhibit presented at Cushing Memorial Library & Archives from January - June 2021. Consisting of books, movie posters, and, in one case, an elaborate handcrafted tapestry, the exhibit explored many examples of science fiction's reactions to human-caused climate change over the 20th and early 21st centuries.

  • Maps of Brazos County, Texas
    Maps of Brazos County, Texas

    This digital collection features maps of Brazos County, the cities of College Station and Bryan, and the campus of Texas A&M University.

  • The Mina de Malfois Archive
    The Mina de Malfois Archive

    The Mina De Malfois Archive contains stories from “Mina” herself (Carlanime), plus numerous others from fans that Carlanime generously allowed to play in her world. Also included are several podcasts, examples of Mina-oriented fan art, and pieces of Sanguinity fanfiction. The latter again demonstrates the meta nature of the Minaverse – fanfiction about a nonexistent fandom that serves as a satire of existing online fandoms. The thumbnail of Mina was created by and is credited to Mute Cornett.

  • The Minutes of the Houston Oil Company of Texas
    The Minutes of the Houston Oil Company of Texas

    The Houston Oil Company of Texas was founded by John Henry Kirby in 1901, simultaneously Kirby and his investors founded the Kirby Lumber Company. These two companies allowed for dual use of land in East Texas, which was rich in both forest and oil. For many years, the Houston Oil Company of Texas developed into the largest corporation in Texas, a distinction it retained for many years.

    This minute book - one volume, 299 pages - encompasses the first eight years of the corporation’s business. 

  • Nicholas A. Basbanes Collection - Audio Interviews
    Nicholas A. Basbanes Collection - Audio Interviews

    This collection contains digitized audio interviews conducted by Nicholas A. Basbanes in the course of writing his books, articles, and editorial features. Interviewees include prominent authors, librarians, scholars, and other figures in the world of books. Well known for writing about books, bibliophiles, and various aspects of book culture, Nicholas A. Basbanes has worked as an award-winning investigative reporter, literary editor, lecturer, and nationally-syndicated columnist. The original copies of these materials are contained in Mr. Basbanes’s professional archives, housed at Cushing Memorial Library & Archives. 

    This digitized collection is restricted to Texas A&M University affiliates and researchers visiting Cushing Memorial Library & Archives. Please contact Cushing regarding access,

  • Nicholas A. Basbanes Collection - The Eternal Passion
    Nicholas A. Basbanes Collection - The Eternal Passion

    Commemorates the 25th anniversary of Nicholas A. Basbanes' seminal work on bibliomania and book culture. Drawing from Basbanes' extensive archives, the collection explores his research, writing, and its reception. Complemented by annotated drafts, letters, inscribed editions, and meterials from Basbanes' broader career, the collection offers a rich portrait of his contributions to literary journalism and the enduring fascination with books and their collectors.

  • OAKTrust

    The OAKTrust digital repository at Texas A&M is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes the scholarly output of the University. The repository facilitates open access scholarly communication while preserving the scholarly legacy of the Texas A&M community.

  • Owens Folk Music
    Owens Folk Music

    This collection contains sound recordings made by William A. Owens during the late 1930s to early 1940s, during which time he was a professor of English at the Agricultural & Mechanical College of Texas. The recordings document folk songs, ballads, play-party songs, fiddle tunes, and folk culture of East and Central Texas. Some of the material was later transcribed and published in Owens' books "Texas Folk Music" and "Tell Me a Story, Sing Me a Song..." and are noted in item descriptions

    Audio CDs transfers of the original disks were made in 2002 by The Cutting Corporation. The recordings are of good quality unless noted otherwise.

    Please note that some items in this collection contain racially insensitive and offensive language. In an effort to represent the resource as accurately as possible, library staff have transcribed the title exactly as it appears on the archival material or object.

  • Primeros Libros
    Primeros Libros

    The Primeros Libros de las Américas: Impresos Americanos del Siglo XVI en las Bibliotecas del Mundo project is a digital collection of the first books printed in the Americas before 1601. These monographs are very important because they represent the first printing in the New World and provide primary sources for scholarly studies in a variety of academic fields. Of the 220 editions believed to have been produced in Mexico and 20 in Peru, approximately 155 are represented in institutions around the world.

  • Raiford Leak Stripling Architecture Collection
    Raiford Leak Stripling Architecture Collection

    In the fall of 1927, Raiford L. Stripling (1910-1990) enrolled as a freshman in the department of architecture at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. Under the guidance of Samuel Charles Phelps Vosper and Ernest Langford, two distinguished faculty members in the department of architecture, Stripling was schooled in the Beaux Arts tradition, which emphasizes classical design, rigorous attention to fine detailing, and sound construction methods. In 1947 Stripling opened his own practice in his hometown of San Augustine, Texas and over the course of his career he worked on some of Texas’ most significant restoration projects, as well as many single family residences, banks, churches, and schools. In 1990 Raiford L. Stripling passed away, leaving behind a body of work that will contribute significantly to the fields of architecture and architectural history for many years to come. This collection is made up of over 250 projects contained in 24 boxes, as well as drawings and construction documents housed in flat files in one map case. In addition to architectural drawings and blueprints, the collection contains contract documents, correspondence, brochures, pamphlets, newspaper articles, magazine articles, photographs, sketches, drawings, and miscellaneous notes.

    The original materials can be viewed at the Cushing Memorial Library & Archives.

  • Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database
    Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database

    The Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database is an on-line, searchable compilation and extension of Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index 1878-1985, Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index 1985-1991, and Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index 1992-1995, including material located since publication of the last printed volume.

  • Stephen Powys Marks London Collection
    Stephen Powys Marks London Collection

    The Stephen Powys Marks Collection is comprised of views of London ranging from original maps and plans from the 18th to the 20th centuries, and facsimiles from the 16th and 17th centuries. There is a range of secondary materials on the city of London as well. It is comprehensive in nature consisting of over 2,400 items, including thirty-three atlases and approximately six hundred maps.

  • Texas A&M Forest Service Radio Broadcasts
    Texas A&M Forest Service Radio Broadcasts

    The radio programs in this collection were produced between approximately 1946 and 1959 as part of the Cooperative Forest Fire Prevention (CFFP) Campaign, a collaboration between the United States Department of Agriculture, the Advertising Council, and state forestry services. Vinyl and electric transcription disc were distributed to radio station across Texas and the nation. The longest running PSA campaign in U.S. history, the CFFP program introduced the Smokey Bear character in the early 1940s.

  • Texas A&M University Archived Catalogs
    Texas A&M University Archived Catalogs

    This archive is a culmination of Texas A&M University catalogs beginning in 1876. The information included in these volumes and the way it is presented varies quite a bit, especially in the formative years. The official title for the catalogs fluctuates as well; therefore, for archival and searching purposes, these volumes will be referenced as University Catalogs and include the academic year.

  • Texas A&M University Newspapers and Periodicals Collection
    Texas A&M University Newspapers and Periodicals Collection

    The Texas A&M Newspaper Collection offers a window into student life and campus happenings at Texas A&M. The newspapers provide a first-hand account of events that impacted student life which occurred on campus as well as from around the world.

  • Texas A&M University Yearbooks Collection
    Texas A&M University Yearbooks Collection

    The Texas A&M University Yearbook Online Collection begins with the initial 1895 Olio publication. The yearbooks begin annual publication in 1903 and continue through today. The newer editions are planned to be included on this website in future developments. The original yearbooks can be viewed at the Cushing Memorial Library & Archives.

  • Texas Data Repository
    Texas Data Repository

    The Texas Data Repository is a platform for publishing and archiving datasets (and other data products) created by faculty, staff, and students at Texas higher education institutions. The repository is built in an open-source application called Dataverse.

  • A Time of Resolve: Texas A&M during the Great Depression
    A Time of Resolve: Texas A&M during the Great Depression

    "A Time of Resolve: Texas A&M during the Great Depression," was an exhibit at Texas A&M's Cushing Memorial Library and Archives that ran September 7, 2018 through February 22, 2019.

  • Toward a Better Living: African American Farming Communities in Mid-Century Texas
    Toward a Better Living: African American Farming Communities in Mid-Century Texas

    This collection of historical photographs was acquired in the early 1970s from the Agricultural Communications Office of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. The physical collection, housed in Cushing Memorial Library & Archives, consists of nearly 7,000 photographs. This subset of the collection illustrates African American farming and community life in Texas from the early 1930s through 1960s. The vast majority of the images are in black and white and document activities such as farming, home improvement, livestock raising, and other programs of the Extension Service.

    The original materials can be viewed at the Cushing Memorial Library & Archives.

  • Vascular Plant Image Library
    Vascular Plant Image Library

    This is an archive of images from the Vascular Plant Image Library built by the now defunct Texas A&M Bioinformatics Working Group.
    Contact: Scholarly Communications, Texas A&M Libraries

  • Veterans of the Valley
    Veterans of the Valley

    Veterans of the Valley” is a collection of 140 interviews and preparatory materials created for the KAMU-TV produced and aired television series of the same name. Created by host Tom Turbiville at WTAW radio as “Bravo Brazos Valley,” “Veterans of the Valley” was developed in 2004 at the request of KAMU-TV’s Jon Bennett and co-produced by Kyle Netterville at KAMU-TV’s studio on the Texas A&M University, College Station campus. The collection was donated to Cushing Memorial Library and Archives in 2017 by Turbiville with the knowledge and understanding from KAMU that the materials would be made publicly available.

  • Wheelan Collection
    Wheelan Collection

    Wheelan was one of a legion of newspaper and magazine reporters and photographers who covered the Mexican Revolution. He probably arrived in Northern Mexico early in the winter of 1913-1914. The main attraction was General Francisco (Pancho) Villa, who held Ciudad Juarez, just across the Rio Grande from El Paso, Texas. By this time Villa had the reputation of being the most able military commander among the Constitutionalists, a coalition of revolutionaries in rebellion against the provisional government of General Victoriano Huerta. In February, 1913, Huerta had conspired in the overthrow of the constitutionally elected government of President Francisco Madero. Villa, a devout supporter of Madero, was one of several leaders in Northern Mexico who were fighting for the restoration of constitutional government and for revolutionary reforms.
    Contact: Anton duPlessis

  • "Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle!": The Faces of Alice in Wonderland
    "Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle!": The Faces of Alice in Wonderland

    This exhibit features images of Alice from artists all over the world, starting with Alice's original illustrator Sir John Tenniel. Alice may be a single little girl, but she wears many faces and many bodies. A variety of artists have interpreted Alice and Carroll's other characters in different styles, using different imagery, and with different themes and motivations. It's a particularly fitting situation for Alice, who repeatedly has her identity questioned (not least by herself) throughout the books.

  • World War I Postcards
    World War I Postcards

    This digital collection contains World War I era postcards held in the Cooper K. Ragan Military Collection at Cushing Memorial Library & Archives.