Center for Systematic Reviews & Research Syntheses (CSRRS)

Improving methods of information retrieval

What We Do

The Center for Systematic Reviews & Research Syntheses (CSRRS) offers fee-based services for any client whose needs are not met by the Texas A&M University Libraries' Evidence Review Service.

These are the guiding questions that the center seeks to answer through its research:

  1. How to improve methods of information retrieval while maintaining the quality of the review? This can reduce the amount of time and money to complete the review.
  2. How to apply the systematic review method to disciplines beyond health sciences? Systematic reviews have a long history in medicine and continue to grow in other fields such as education, engineering, and more.
  3. How to identify best practices for documenting, archiving, disseminating, and tracking review projects to increase societal impact? Following open science ideals will ensure the accessibility, reproducibility, and transparency of syntheses and increase research impact.
To connect with the CSRRS, complete and submit our request form.

Services Offered


  • Determining the feasibility of a question for research syntheses
  • Selecting method (narrative, systematic, scoping, or other)
  • Searching, retrieving, and documenting information retrieval
  • Selecting and utilizing software (Rayyan, Covidence, and others)
  • Guidance on data collection, critical appraisal, and writing


  • Training for librarians
  • Training for research teams
  • Training can cover any of the activities listed under consulting


Texas A&M University Affiliates


$100 per hour


Federally Funded Projects


$100 per hour


External clients


Contact for pricing


Contact Us

For questions, please email