Before submitting items to the OAKTrust Repository, make sure that you have read and understand the OAKTrust Policies.
Log in to OAKTrust using your NetID and password. If needed, obtain authorization and establish a Collection by contacting Digital Collection Services at We will assign you with the necessary permissions and can answer questions about the process.
Now you are ready to begin contributing to OAKTrust!
Log in to OAKTrust and browse to the Collection to which you are adding an item. If you are authorized to submit to the Collection, you will see a link that reads “Submit a new item to this collection”. Click that link to begin the submission workflow.
If at any point you need to leave the submission process, click on the Save/Cancel button at the bottom of the page. Choose the Save option (or the Remove option if you just want to start over later). To resume a submission, log in and click My Account, then click the Submissions link and select the item you wish to edit.
Batch loading is possible for a very large number of items. Contact Digital Collection Services at for assistance.
You are given two options to describe your item:
Fill in all relevant fields. Authors, Title, and Date are mandatory. You can copy and paste from a document to speed up the process and eliminate typographical errors.
Click Next.
Keywords: Add any keywords or phrases that describe the content of the item. Add ONE keyword or phrase at a time. Additional keywords can be added by clicking the Add button.
Abstract: Enter the full text of the abstract or summary of the item.
Sponsors: Enter the names of any person or group that funded or sponsored the development of the item.
Description: Enter any additional description of the item (number of pages, for example). Do not enter file type or size, the repository will detect and add this information in another field.
Click Next.
Click Browse and navigate to your item on your computer. Select the appropriate file, and the path name to the file on your computer should appear in the File box. If your item consists of more than one file, you can enter a brief description of the file you are currently submitting to differentiate it from the additional files.
Click Next.
Verify that all of the information entered to this point is correct. If you need to change something, click on the button labeled "Correct one of these" below the section of information that you need to change.
Once all information is correct, click Next.
There are three different licenses in the Repository to represent three different submission scenarios.
1. If you are the copyright owner submitting your own work, check the option for "I am the rights holder to this work."
I grant Texas A&M University ("Institution"), my academic department ("Department"), and the Texas Digital Library ("TDL") the non-exclusive rights to copy, display, perform, distribute, and publish the content I submit to this repository ("Work") and make the Work available in any format in perpetuity as part of an Institution, Department, or TDL repository communication or distribution effort. I understand that once the Work is submitted, a bibliographic citation to the Work will remain visible in perpetuity, even if the Work is updated or moved. I understand that the Work's copyright owner(s) will continue to own copyright outside these non-exclusive granted rights. I warrant that:
2. If someone else is the copyright owner and you have their permission to submit the work, check the option for "I am authorized by the rights holder to submit this work."
I grant Texas A&M University ("Institution"), my academic department ("Department"), and the Texas Digital Library ("TDL") the non-exclusive rights to copy, display, perform, distribute, and publish the content I submit to this repository ("Work") and make the Work available in any format in perpetuity as part of an Institution, Department, TDL repository communication or distribution effort.
I understand that once the Work is submitted, a bibliographic citation to the Work will remain visible in perpetuity, even if the Work is updated or moved.
I understand that the Work's copyright owner(s) will continue to own copyright outside these non-exclusive granted rights.
I warrant that:
I agree to hold Institution, Department, TDL, and their agents harmless for any liability arising from any breach of the above warranties or any claim of intellectual property infringement arising from the exercise of these non-exclusive granted rights.
Proxy Submission License:
If you have a separate permission document from the copyright owner authorizing the release of this item, please attach it here.
3. If the material being submitted is in the public domain (free of copyright protections), check the option for "I warrant this work is in the public domain." Please select the license that best matches your situation, grant the license by selecting 'I Grant the License'; and then click 'Complete Submission'.
I warrant that:
I agree to hold Institution, Department, TDL, and their agents harmless for any liability arising from any breach of the above warranties or any claim of intellectual property infringement arising from the exercise of these non-exclusive granted rights.
Distribution License: I accept the terms of this license.
Your item has been added to the repository. You will receive an email confirmation with a permanent (shareable) link to your item.
If your collection requires review of the item by another party, notification will be sent to them regarding your submission. Once the review process is complete, your item will be publicly available.