If you notice the item you wish to borrow, or have borrowed, is damaged please bring this to the attention of AskUs staff as soon as you discover something isn’t right to avoid being charged.
Damage may include:
Missing pages or book inserts (such as CDs)
Broken spine
Dried water stains
Pen or highlighter markings
Torn covers
Scratched or cracked DVDs, CDs, Blu-rays
If an item is returned damaged, you may be charged for repair or replacement. Damaged library materials (such as books, movies, and equipment) cannot be given back to a person who has paid for their replacement. These items are state property and must be disposed of according to state rules.
Lost Materials
If you lose any library material, contact AskUs Services to arrange for a replacement. Material that is not renewed or returned will automatically be declared lost by the system at 30 days overdue. Users will be billed for lost library materials after 60 days. The bill will include the replacement cost of the item, any overdue fines associated with the item, and a non-refundable $2 processing fee.